
Archive for the ‘Lawyers’ tag

Filing bankruptcy without a lawyer – not necessarily DIY

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I guess most of you reading this blog, have run into debts and have nightmares with creditors, banks, lawyers, money. Or perhaps, you have a very large amount of credit card debt, or a huge mortgage of your flat. Or you have lost a lot of investments at the financial market. In one word, you must be close to or have already reached the stage of personal bankruptcy. Whatever the reasons for the financial crisis in global terms, you have to cope with it on your own be it with the aid of experts or really on your own. Terrible! But not desperate!

Probably you have already browsed the Internet and you’ve read heaps of posts advising you on filing bankruptcy. One way you can deal with this is representing yourself in court and file bankruptcy without a lawyer. Lawyers naturally charge a lot of money and their work is worth it, but what if you have already run out of money and opportunities? And if you are claiming bankruptcy you are most probably in this situation.

That’s why online assistance might come in very handy. Some web sites can help you get in touch with leading debt management and debt consolidation services online. Indeed, this might be a swift relief from debt, without having to rob Peter to pay Paul, but be careful and do your homework research in advance.

Written by admin

December 15th, 2008 at 9:29 pm